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Photos|Beautiful Mountains, Clear Waters in Dengtang Town
发布时间:2023-08-01 23:20:03    来源:羊城派


Located in the eastern Guangdong Province, Dengtang Town is under the jurisdiction of Chao"an District, Chaozhou City. The town is home to many folk Chaozhou music groups that have spontaneously formed. They play various instruments such as drums, flutes, and pipas (a plucked string instrument with a fretted fingerboard). The combination of different musical instruments brings forth memories of the land and a sense of nostalgia. Dengtang Town has a vast mountainous territory, with unique geographical advantages and an exceptional ecological environment. This has given rise to special agricultural products such as fried tea, rice flour noodles, and pineapples. Strolling along the rural paths, you can see the green fields connected to the verdant peaks, and babbling streams flowing through bamboo forests, creating stunning scenery.


登塘镇位于广东省东部,系潮州市潮安区辖镇。登塘镇有许多自发成立的民间潮乐或潮曲团,他们或击锣鼓、或吹横笛、或拨琵琶……不同的乐器配合,丝竹金石声带来的是土地的回忆和淡淡的乡愁。登塘镇山地地域广,地理优势和生态环境独特,孕育出炒仔茶、粿条、菠萝等农特产品。漫步乡间小道,青翠的农田连接着青峰,潺潺的小溪流过竹林,“良田”美景,就在此间。(更多新闻资讯,请关注羊城派 pai.ycwb.com)

策划统筹 | 魏琴文 | 羊城晚报全媒体记者 牛智杰 魏琴图 | 潮州市潮安区登塘镇党建办公室

来源 | 羊城晚报·羊城派责编 | 戚美青



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